Monday 23 June, 2008

An interview with Gems Paandu.

Hello Sir. What is your name?

Paandu. Gems Paandu

Ahem. What car do you own?

I don't have one.

Then what mode of transport do you have?

I have a motorized quadricycle, called the Nano.

Oh, so you are one amongst the millions of Nanoists?

No. I am one amongst the few married Onanists. Otherwise, we won't be able to fit into the Nano.

Sir, how much mileage do you get?

I am not sure. Since I got the base model, I discovered it didn't come with a fuel tank. I didn't ask for one either in the fear of rising oil prices.

Sir, is it faster and quieter than the LS 600 hL?

The last time I heard my friend's Nano, it sounded like an atom bomb. It makes a lot of sound but does not budge from the same spot.

How would you rate the ownership experience?

I believe in Green living. However, the experience thus far has been a bit unpredictable.

Why so?

I used to drive a Reva. I spent all my savings on it but never earned a penny thereafter as it could not reach my office in one charge. It's electric supply was more unpredictable than the Government's. Then I bought a Nano. I cut out a hole in the floor like Mr.Flintstone. However, now I needed to eat so much more to move the car that my gas emissions have sky rocketed. Hence I am polluting even more now.